Orb [beta]

The lightning network just got way more fun.

Orb is a cross-platform (Mac / Windows / OSX / IOS / Android) application for managing an LND / CLN Lightning node. It features bulk payments, an editor, API, App Store, node automation engines and a lot more.


Orb makes lightning fun

Orb runs on your phone, and supports multi-touch gestures.

Take your node wherever you go, and swipe channels to rebalance. Orb puts the power of a full Lightning Network node in the palms of your hands in a beautiful, portable and fun interface.

Orb is secure.

Convenience should never come at the cost of security. Orb runs on your end-user device–not on your node–and encrypts the certificate & macaroon with a unique personal RSA encryption key-set tied to your device.



Orb automates your node.

Setting fees and balancing a node by hand is time consuming. Orb provides automated fee-setting and rebalancing engines.


The Lightning Network is constantly evolving and growing; so should its tools. Orb’s API enables you to ‘scratch your own itch’, and the app store enables you to deploy tools securely and rapily.



Data Science.

Orb caches transactions and payments locally, and provides you with the information you actually want, such as how much channels are earning, their fee profiles etc. it also exposes this data conveniently to libraries like Numpy, Pandas, TensorFlow etc. The Lightning Network should be data-driven. Orb makes this goal easy to attain.

See Orb's advanced rebalancing in action

Who we are

Nobody. Everybody. We are Satoshi (apart for you Craig).

Top 30 node

We built Orb in full yolo mode on a node that ended up in the top 30 (as ranked by terminal). We built Orb for our needs, first and foremost.

We shift sats

Our node shifted over 60 BTC in its first 100 days. Orb + Lightning work.

Built in the Plebnet

Without the sustained support and knowledge of the plebnet Orb would not exist.

Bulk Invoice Management

Lightning is all about payments, so Orb enables you to bulk ingest unlimited invoices.

Bulk Payments

Bulk pay your invoices concurrently. Orb supports shifting vast amounts fast.

Easy to customize

Orb is deeply configurable, to tweak it to your exact personal preferences.


The Lightning Network has to be experienced. Orb's phone and tablet interface support multi-touch: pinch-zoom, pan, adjust fee-widgets, swipe to rebalance.

Vital Stats

How much are channels actually earning? Where are my sats the most valuable? Orb brings the information you want to the forefront of its interface.


Orb is built with devs in mind. Write and publish your solutions to the rest of the network in the same afternoon.

Automated Fees

Setting fees is hard - Orb learns what fees route best, and automatically sets your fees for optimal routing and earnings.

Automated Reblancing

Rebalancing is time-consuming. Orb keeps your node balanced by shifting sats where they are the most needed

Channel PnL

Orb tracks wherher your rebalance bets are winning by tracking their profits and tweaking fees. No more reckless rebalancing.

"It's beautiful"

... is our most common user feedback. Don't believe our users? See for yourself.

We shift sats
We shift sats
We shift sats
We shift sats
We shift sats

Download Orb

We've moved the Android / Linux / Windows / OSX to reproducible Github Releases:

What our users are saying


“Orb is a great application, the community is speedy with responses to troubleshooting questions and the documentation is on point. It’s awesome to see routes/payments being made in real time. Definitely recommended for anyone looking to lighten the load of constant channels rebalancing and fee adjustments”


“Lnorb offers great multiplatform support and extensive customization options via Python scripting & apps. Having participated in the alpha testing the past few months I have confidence the project will continue expanding the tools end-users have for full-node management while providing quick feedback and fixes to user requests.”

Dunder Struck

“If you run a lightning node, you definitely should try lnorb - while it has the essential tools to manage & control your lightning node, it is its visual aspects and concepts(eg. balance ratios) that give you a different lens to view your node from. Born in Plebnet, no wonder lnorb gets better with continuous feedback from core-node-runners. Highly recommended!”

Warpedspace - PLEBNET.org

“Orb completely replaces the need for any other lightning related app for complete and secure node management, the fact that I have the flexibility to use it across multiple platforms flawlessly and from anywhere anytime makes this a revolutionary product. The UI is simple, intuitive, and informative and appealing to the user. The potential for lightning node automation has never been so accomplished as with Orb. Its a home run… I highly recommend Orb.”