orb.apps.auto_fees.autofees module

Set of classes to set fees via a convenient yaml file.

class orb.apps.auto_fees.autofees.AFView(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Popup

open(*args, **kwargs)

This gets called when the popup is first opened.

update_obj(attr, value)
class orb.apps.auto_fees.autofees.AutoFeesPlugin(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Plugin


Performs any required cleanup before reloading

class orb.apps.auto_fees.autofees.Base

Bases: object

class orb.apps.auto_fees.autofees.BaseView(**kwargs)

Bases: BoxLayout


NumericProperty(defaultvalue=0, **kw) Property that represents a numeric value.

It only accepts the int or float numeric data type or a string that can be converted to a number as shown below. For other numeric types use ObjectProperty or use errorhandler to convert it to an int/float.

It does not support numpy numbers so they must be manually converted to int/float. E.g. widget.num = np.arange(4)[0] will raise an exception. Numpy arrays are not supported at all, even by ObjectProperty because their comparision does not return a bool. But if you must use a Kivy property, use a ObjectProperty with comparator set to np.array_equal. E.g.:

>>> class A(EventDispatcher):
...     data = ObjectProperty(comparator=np.array_equal)
>>> a = A()
>>> a.bind(data=print)
>>> a.data = np.arange(2)
<__main__.A object at 0x000001C839B50208> [0 1]
>>> a.data = np.arange(3)
<__main__.A object at 0x000001C839B50208> [0 1 2]
defaultvalue: int or float, defaults to 0

Specifies the default value of the property.

>>> wid = Widget()
>>> wid.x = 42
>>> print(wid.x)
>>> wid.x = "plop"
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
   File "properties.pyx", line 93, in kivy.properties.Property.__set__
   File "properties.pyx", line 111, in kivy.properties.Property.set
   File "properties.pyx", line 159, in kivy.properties.NumericProperty.check
 ValueError: NumericProperty accept only int/float

Changed in version 1.4.1: NumericProperty can now accept custom text and tuple value to indicate a type, like “in”, “pt”, “px”, “cm”, “mm”, in the format: ‘10pt’ or (10, ‘pt’).


ObjectProperty(defaultvalue=None, rebind=False, **kw) Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.


ObjectProperty(defaultvalue=None, rebind=False, **kw) Property that represents a Python object.

defaultvalue: object type

Specifies the default value of the property.

rebind: bool, defaults to False

Whether kv rules using this object as an intermediate attribute in a kv rule, will update the bound property when this object changes.

That is the standard behavior is that if there’s a kv rule text: self.a.b.c.d, where a, b, and c are properties with rebind False and d is a StringProperty. Then when the rule is applied, text becomes bound only to d. If a, b, or c change, text still remains bound to d. Furthermore, if any of them were None when the rule was initially evaluated, e.g. b was None; then text is bound to b and will not become bound to d even when b is changed to not be None.

By setting rebind to True, however, the rule will be re-evaluated and all the properties rebound when that intermediate property changes. E.g. in the example above, whenever b changes or becomes not None if it was None before, text is evaluated again and becomes rebound to d. The overall result is that text is now bound to all the properties among a, b, or c that have rebind set to True.

**kwargs: a list of keyword arguments

If kwargs includes a baseclass argument, this value will be used for validation: isinstance(value, kwargs[‘baseclass’]).


To mark the property as changed, you must reassign a new python object.

Changed in version 1.9.0: rebind has been introduced.

Changed in version 1.7.0: baseclass parameter added.

update_rule(attr, value)
class orb.apps.auto_fees.autofees.FeeMeta(last_changed=None, chan_id=None, alias=None, last_routed=None, fee_rate=None, last_fee_rate=None, capacity=None, ratio=None)

Bases: Base

class orb.apps.auto_fees.autofees.FeesAuto(obj)

Bases: StoppableThread


Method representing the thread’s activity.

You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object’s constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.

class orb.apps.auto_fees.autofees.Match(fee_rate, alias, all=None, any=None, priority=0)

Bases: Base

property max_fee
property min_fee
property routed_in
property routed_out
class orb.apps.auto_fees.autofees.MatchView(**kwargs)

Bases: BaseView

class orb.apps.auto_fees.autofees.Setter(channel, fee_rate, meta, obj, priority)

Bases: Base
