Automated Rebalancing

Before delving into rebalancing, make sure you familiarize yourself with the Channel Highlighter, as you’ll need to be familiar with the syntax, and the rebalancing expressions can be pasted directly into the highlighter to preview what channels will get selected.

Apps > auto > balance

Engine Settings

Number of rebalances

How many rebalance threads should run at once.

‘Ignore’ rules settings

Ignore rules are useful when you are sure you never want to rebalance either to or from a channel.

Rule Name

This is simply an alias for the rule. Be descriptive as it will come in handy when returning to this dialog later.


This field expects a valid Python expression. The expression is run against each channel, and if it evaluates as True, then the channel is ignored.

In this case, we are ignoring the LOOP channel.

channel.remote_pubkey == '021c97a90a411ff2b10dc2a8e32de2f29d2fa49d41bfbb52bd416e460db0747d0d'

This could be achieved with:

channel.alias == 'LOOP'

This example would ignore channels that have earned less than 10k SATS:

channel.earned < 10_000

N.B: Using ‘earned’ requires querying a database containing the entire routing history. Currently this may result in the Engine becoming too slow to use. Use with care.

‘From To’ rules settings

Rule Name

This is simply an alias for the rule. Be descriptive as it will come in handy when returning to this dialog later.

Fee Rate (PPM)

The fee rate at which to perform the rebalance.

Amount (SAT)

The amount of Sats to rebalance.

From / To Rule:

A python expression that is run again each channel to find candidates from / to channels for rebalancing.

In this example, the expressions are:

channel.ratio > 0.5


channel.ratio < 0.1

The above rules would simply rebalance from any channel with more than 50% outbound towards channels with less than 10% outbound.

Start the Engine

To start the rebalancing engine:

Stop the Engine

To stop the rebalancing engine: